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Know the names and needs of all student athletes at Wakeland!


Since 2006, the Wolverine Athletic Booster Club, our officers, parents and other volunteers have worked tirelessly to promote the efforts of our student athletes and coaches. We are blessed to live in area where families are united in the cause of celebrating our student athletes on and off the field! Our volunteers comes from all walks of life who bring their unique expertise and resources into everything we do. This is what enables us to achieve our goals year after year.

While there is always more that can be done, there is no doubt that we are making a significant impact. We don’t measure our success through just facts and figures, but through happy faces and heartwarming feedback. See how you can become part of the difference.



The Wolverine Athletic Booster Club takes pride in being problem solvers who are not afraid to take risks. We believe that with boldness, creativity and heart, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. But above all, our strength lies in teamwork. Each and every one of us has the capability to contribute no matter their experience or background. With this strength behind us, just imagine what we can achieve together.

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